Reglar Wiglar Gator

Reglar Wiglar Website Relaunch

The Reglar Wiglar website relaunch happened, people, but don’t call it a comeback. The Reglar Wiglar website has been here for years. The print zine still exists too. And the blogger site is still a thing, although it would be a stretch to say it’s active. It is not active as a matter of fact. Not very, anyway.

Speaking of The Reglar Wiglar Blog, 2025 marks the 20th anniversary of that particular account on that particular platform. You can read the greatest hits of that blog in Reglar Wiglar #26, although supplies of this issue are running low.

At any rate, my point is the RW website is still here. Last year, after a few decades of learning and using Adobe Dreamweaver to create buggy pages, I moved the site to a WordPress platform and here it is.

I can’t promise to stick to any consistent publishing schedule, but I do plan on posting new interviews with comics artists, zine makers, musicians, and other creators, so check back often.

If you’re interested in learning more about the digital history of this zine, read on!

This History of the Reglar Wiglar Online

The first Reglar Wiglar website launched way back in the late 1990s with the impossibly complicated domain name (go ahead and click it, I dare yah). There were other impossible-to-remember domain names as well.

Reglar Wigar BoomBox logo

Electronic History of the Reglar Wiglar

1996 Reglar Wiglar gets its first email address, [email protected], which was changed to [email protected] in 1997 for some reason. 

1998 The first website is uploaded to the Internets. It mostly consisted of a homepage, an image of the RW#8 cover (which took a ridiculously long time to load via dial-up), and almost no links.

2001 A new hosting provider was found resulting in a new easy-to-remember web address:

2002 The domain was officially registered.

2005 The Reglar Wiglar blog debuted and featured many inside jokes and now-broken links to bored-at-work content and probably Myspace profiles.

200? Speaking of Myspace, there was undoubtedly a Myspace account created at some point.

2020 Well over 1,400 posts have been published with over 150,000 views (probably not a good 15-year stat, but whatevs) 

2025 Will the blog survive into a new decade? Probably not, but, as I’ve mentioned several times, the website is still a thing that exists in the world.

From the Intro of Reglar Wiglar #26 Print Zine

Reglar Wiglar #26
Reglar Wiglar #26

In 2005, Myspace was sputtering as Facebook had begun its ascendancy. Weblogs had been a thing for almost a decade but Google’s purchase of the Blogger platform in 2003 really gave it a kick in the pants and allowed any schmo the chance to set up a blog and start publishing in a matter of minutes. Not ones to sit idly by whilst the bandwagon rumbles past, RW jumped on in 2005 when Soggy Sprinkles set up the Reglar Wiglar blog, titled The Reglar Wiglar Electronic Text-Based Humor Simulator with the subtitle “& New & Reviews Depository (Warning: May Include Poetry)”.

From the first post on March 25 of that year “If there’s such a thing as an anti-climatic beginning this could be it. I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of fun or something.” That bit of pseudo-hipster cynicism would be a central theme of the blog until present times.

For the intellectually curious, the Reglar Wiglar blog still exists, but for how long is anyone’s guess. To celebrate 15 years of incredibly sporadic postings, here are the “best” blog posts of the last decade and a half.

As always, I hope you get a good swift kick out of it.

So cynical. What resulted was many posts. Apologies to the Chicago Reader who unknowingly paid me to post these pointless missives while sitting in front of a computer screen as the classified advertising business dried up and died before our very eyes. Sad. The blog still exists. Blogger still exists. It’s likely a graveyard for similar ideas.