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Reglar Wiglar Magazine is home to reviews of comics, zines, books, and records and interviews with those who make them. And also, other stuff to amuse, delight, anger, and generally entertain.


Comics Artist Adam Kane

Adam Kane self portrait

Boston-based comics artist Adam Kane is the creator of the often humorous, always intriguing comic MoonBanana. To learn more about the comic’s origins, and the concept of lunar fruit in general, the Reglar Wiglar asked Adam a bunch of questions. Read the answers here.

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10 Questions with Orlock

Orlock band photo
Photo: Lance Curran

Orlock started in Richmond, VA 20 years ago. The project has since been resurrected in Chicago, IL, but did it ever really die? Find out now.

10 Questions with Multi-media Artist Charly Fasano

Photo of Charly Fasano

The Reglar Wiglar recently asked Denver-based multi-media artist co-founder of the Walk of Hot zine and event series Charly Fasano ten questions about who he is and what he does. Here are his answers.

An Interview w/ Game Designer Luka Rejec

Lord Rainbow drawing

If you’re down with RPGs and sci-fi/fantasy worlds filled with strange creatures and alien cultures, there’s a good chance you’ll dig the games created by Wizard Thief Fighter studio. Read an interview with the mastermind behind it all, the Seoul, Korea-based Serbian game designer Luka Rejec. [Transport to the Interview]

11 Questions Authors Hate with Zack Boddicker

Author Zach Boddicker

It ain’t easy coming up with questions to ask writers, artists, and musicians. You can take my word for it too, I’ve been botching this job for years. So, just to be a dick, the Reglar Wiglar asked Rise of the Haugenberrys writer Zach Boddicker, “11 Questions Authors Hate”. Sorry and thanks, Zach! [Read the interview at your earliest convenience!]

10 Questions with Zine Maker Dave Hankins

Zine maker Dave Hankins

Dave Hankins is the creator of many fascinating zines about surprisingly interesting subjects. The Reglar Wiglar recently asked Dave 10 searing questions about how and why he does what he does. [Read the interview ASAP!]


  • Banana Peels Not Funny
    For too long we have been amused by the image of some clueless schmuck strolling care-free down the street only to slip hilariously on a banana peel.
  • 7 Tips to Live Cheap
    It’s easy for a parasitic worm like Sucky to live a thrifty lifestyle. Just follow his simple tips to live cheap and you’ll be on your way! 
  • Eddie & The Cruisers Soundtrack
    Today, 40 years and a three-hour drive stand between me and that small Jersey Shore town where I bought my first record. Yet, over time, Eddie and the Cruisers has become so much more for me.
  • The Cars Album Review
    Talk about debuts that dominate, this Boston band could have packed it all in after one record and they still would have achieved legendary status. As it was, they didn’t and therefore were able to set the tone for the coming decade and their dominance of it.
  • Donald Trump on Black Flag
    We asked The Donald if he would expand of the Trump Black Flag connection, of which there is none, but when has that ever stopped us?