
Comic and Zine Round-up #1

The zines and comics in this roundup are on loan from the RoosterCow Store where they are available for purchase. They are also available from the individual publishers and/or creators. So, without further ado, here’s the Comic & Zine Round-up #1:

Comics by Brandon Lehmann

Comics by Brandon Lehmann

If you follow Brandon Lehmann on Instagram, you’re probably familiar with the themes of existential dread found in his mini-comics. For example, in his book True Cat Confessions, a feline protagonist must find a place to poop in an unfamiliar environment. No easy task it seems. In Zombie’s First Time, a newbie undead man deals with a moral quandary as he contemplates consuming human flesh. We’ve all been there.

Brandon Lehmann comics

I’ve read several of Brandon Lehmann’s comics in the past year or so. They appeal to me for several reasons. I like the art because it’s neat and clean. It suggests order, sanity even. However, the subject matter is anything but. You can usually depend on Brandon to deliver a slightly disturbing theme and a twisty, if not outright twisted, ending.

For example, in Dog Restuarant, we wonder who the patrons of this themed restaurant are and what or who is on the menu. The resulting tension builds throughout the comic until the eventual big reveal (No spoilers here).

Other titles, such as Some Random Guy Falls into an Abstract Nihilistic Misery Hole deal with the theme of falling into an abstract nihilistic hole, as many of us have at some point in our lives.

The collaboration with Marc Palm, Florida Man, is a quick tale of the titular character’s efforts to sell tickets to heaven so he can access drugs in space.

You’ll find the titles mentioned above, and several more comics by Brandon Lehmann in the RoosterCow store.

Read an interview with Brandon Lehmann.

Zines by David Hankins

Sunflowers zine by David Hankins

Dave Hankins makes interesting zines about interesting subjects. He’s created information-packed zines about Vincent van Gogh, elephant-shaped buildings, movies starring gorillas, and the ‘66 Batmobile, to name a few.

Dave also has a series of mini zines called 13 Facts for which he researches, then presents a baker’s dozen truths about persons such as Dolly Partin and Eddie Cochran and the movie Repo Man.

I find Dave’s zines, both the minis and the longer titles, to be welcome distractions. They are mood elevators, much more than any social media post of a puppy or kitten could be. Well, maybe not much more, but it’s better than doom-scrolling social media. That’s my point.

Hankins also makes linocuts, rubber stamps, stickers, postcards, children’s books, comic strips, cartoons, and punk music, much of which he sells through his online store You can also find zines by Dave Hankins in the RoosterCow Store.

Read an interview with Dave Hankins.

Lucky Scout Cap Comic by O. Stevens

Lucky Cap Scouts comic

I love the color of this book from Olivia Stevens. The whole thing is straight-up eye candy. In fact, it’s a bit like staring into a big bowl of jelly beans. Like many titles from Silver Sprocket, the book includes a sticker sheet that you shouldn’t eat, but you’ll want to.

Lucky Scout Caps are collectible toy dolls, by the way. They are the kind of tchotchke that serves no practical purpose except to be gazed upon as they sit on your desk or bedside table. That said, these particular collectibles aren’t so static. They become animated and are prone to accidents and mischief-making and that’s the story.

Order Lucky Cap Scouts by O. Stevens.

Read an interview with O. Stevens.

Skin Deep Comic by Flo Woolley

Skin Deep comic

Flo Woolley is a comics artist and illustrator living in Leeds, England, UK. She creates art that centers on fantastical worlds and characters. She often explores themes of queerness in her work, usually with a touch of the post-apocalyptic and futuristic. Her recent comic book (published by Silver Sprocket) is a 32-pager set in a nocturnal dance house. While it is full-color, most of the colors are shades of green and gray. It’s eerie and cool. Buy Skin Deep by Flow Woolley from the RoosterCow Store.

Read an interview with Flo Woolley.

Moral Fiber #20 – The Movie Comic by Chris Pernula

Moral Fiber zine

Issue number 20 of Chris Pernula’s Moral Fiber comic (or is it a zine?) is a 56-page sketchbook done in full color. While the full title of this issue is Moral Fiber, The Movie (Novelization) there’s no discernable plot line that I can tell. Instead, the book is filled with portraits of odd and sometimes monstrous characters.

This is the first issue of Chris’s zine I’ve read so I couldn’t tell you if the rest are of a similar ilk. I’m guessing they are at least as bizarre and it’s a bargain at three bucks. Order Moral Fiber from the RoosterCow Store.

American Nature Presents #1

American Nature Presents

American Nature Presents #1 is a newsprint publication showcasing comics the publishers think you should know about. It’s done in collaboration with the Santos Sisters crew of Greg & Fake, and Marc Koprinarov (read an interview with those cats here).

In the premier issues, readers will find a new Santos Sisters adventure, plus work from Josh Pettinger, Rich Tommaso, and Stefano Fortis. Also included are articles by various contributors and an interview with Elias Ortiz on the state of comics in Mexico. This isn’t a highbrow criticism of comics ala the Comics Journal. Nothin’ like that. It is, however, a celebration of comics and it’s only six bucks for criminy’s sake. Order a copy of American Nature #1 from the RoosterCow Store.

Read an interview with the Santos Sisters creators.

Working With A Hangover

Sucky the Parasite

Working with a hangover blows chunks, but fear not, Sucky the Parasitic Worm is here to help you survive your crappy existence! Today’s life lesson is how to get through work while suffering from a hangover. Also, if you have a drinking problem, get help, please!

A Guide to Working with a Hangover

Hungover on a workday? Don’t you DARE call in sick and screw over your coworkers. And don’t miss out on your bread just because you can’t hold your juice. Beat that hangover, buddy!

If you are an hourly employee with no paid sick days, you cannot afford to waste a day on a hangover. Have some fricking self-respect and suck it up, Sally. Get thee to work!

Yeah, it’s gonna suck hard but you deserve it, you moron. Maybe next time you’ll think twice about doing those 2 am whisky shots on a school night. If you absolutely must party on a school night, get smart. Make a plan to eat before, during, and after your binge. Drink some water and eat an aspirin or two before you pass out (I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice).

Oh, and try not to drink like a frat person. I realize that sometimes a night of debauchery will pop up unplanned and tackle your ass to the ground, but whenever possible, mitigate the damages. 

Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz

Before you go to bed after a binge, drink some sodium bicarbonate and anhydrous citric acid, a.k.a. Alka-Seltzer, and then drink some more as soon as you wake up in the morning. Sure, it looks comforting when it’s all fizzy in a glass, but it tastes like cat piss. Slurp it down anyway and you will feel—not amazing, but amazingly less shitty.

Again, this is not medical advice. I do not have a doctoral or a master’s degree. I barely have a bachelor’s degree and it’s definitely not paid for yet.

Line that Gut With Grease

If you can manage to remember to stuff your face with some good old-fashioned grease before you go to bed after bingeing, you will be the better worker for it. Nothing too salty or you’ll be up all night chugging water. There’s nothing wrong with drinking lots of water, you’ll need to do that too, but you also need sleep. Drinking water and whizzing all night ain’t gonna help you clock those Z’s.

I personally like to eat a slinger at the conclusion of a bender. A slinger comes in different incarnations but usually goes something like this: greasy hash browns topped with two hamburger patties topped with American cheese topped with two fried eggs completely smothered in chili. Eat it with a side of white bread and a glass of milk and you will live longer than Keith Richards. Also, White Castle sliders never taste better than when your three sheets are blowing in the wind, so consider a stop there (on foot!)

Drunky Sucky

The Morning After

Oh boy. I hope you remembered to eat grease last night. Here’s what you don’t want to eat now: anything acidic. Eat some dry toast. Drink some tea and a lot of water. Yes, you need caffeine, I’m not an idiot (or a doctor) but your stomach can’t handle coffee just yet. You’ll cave into your craving soon enough. Try to wait as long as you can though.

Eat a banana, an apple, a pear, maybe eat some (mildly acidic) cranberry juice. Some people think Gatorade does the trick. Some more grease won’t kill you. I usually try to get some type of sausage and egg sandwich in me around this time and at least two orders of hash browns. What can I say, the gut wants what it wants.

Stay Hydrated and Caffeinated

Your brain is going to go through a lot of peaks and valleys throughout the day. You will need to keep it hydrated and find sources of caffeine. I know I previously warned you to avoid it, but that was THEN, this is NOW! Have some coffee as soon as your stomach can handle it.

Consider other caffeine delivery systems such as Coke (that’s a capital ‘C’ on Coke, Disco Stu, don’t mess with the yeyo when you can’t even handle the hooch) or other cola products. More H2O too. Lot’s more. 

Hair of the Dog

The Hair of the Dog cure basically advocates staying drunk—a very short-term solution. That said, hangovers are short-term problems. The pros don’t get hungover because they make sure to always have booze in their systems. If you have a job where the lives of others are at stake, you should really just call in sick today, but if you are an office drone or retail worker, who am I to tell you what cure to take? That said, maybe you should save this one for your day-off hangover. That’s a whole ‘nother breed.

Working with a hangover

I hope you have sense enough to listen to me and not your brain. After all, this is the same brain that told you to drink three pitchers of Busch Light last night so, obviously, it doesn’t know shit.

Try to look busy today, sport, and remember, you will live to be this stupid again, probably in a few days.

Originally published in Reglar Wiglar #27 by Chris Auman. Available from The RoosterCow Store.

5 Tips to Name Your Indie Band

Indie Band Naming Guide

After 1,000 years of rock and roll, it’s getting harder and harder to come up with unique and clever band names. Use the Reglar Wiglar Band Naming Guide below to help you and your scruffy indie rock pals name your indie band. 

By Chris Auman

TIP #1: Add an Extra Consonant or Vowel

To give your band that clever twist (and to help you search for yourself on Google) try introducing a few extra consonants or vowels into an otherwise ordinary noun. Where? Anywhere! This method expands on the popular one-word band names of the nineties by giving it a 21st-century twiist.

Examples: Stadiium, Tooothbrush, Clevver 

5 Tips to Name Your Band: Wavves band

TIP #2: Use the Word Magic

This is pretty self-explanatory: take the word “magic” and stick it in your band name. Anywhere. Also works with “crystal”.

Example: Maggikk Toaster

TIP #3: Misspell Shit

Purposely misspell your band name with a wink and a nod to the kids. This technique (or gimmick) sends the message: “Yeah, we know it’s spelled wrong, we did that on purpose. We could give a flying fuck what the grammarians think. They’re too old to understand anyway.” Magic is a good word to use and it also incorporates TIP #2: Use the Word Magic in your band name. Try pairing that word up to modify an ordinary household object, like a toaster:

Examples: Magick Muffin Krystal Bookcase 

TIP #4: Add Emoticons and Keyboard Commands

Why not try adding a keyboard command or shortcut to the mix? You can use a straight-up PC command:


or for Mac:


WARNING: Mac users: make sure you save any changes before attempting this one! Here’s a particularly awesome keyboard command name: altX+altJ+altX which renders this little baby right here:


Alt-j band photo
Photo by Jory Cordy

TIP #5: Pick an Animal Name

OK, this one may be a bit played out at this point, but some people haven’t gotten the memo yet, so if you are an animal lover, we say go for it. A good trick is to pick an animal and then incorporate an animal body part.

Use this diagram:

[your favorite animal] + [body part]

For example Giraffe + Neck = Giraffe Neck i.e. great band name!

Deerhoof band photo

Try Them All!

Now that we’ve given you some good tips to get started, you can experiment with your own band names. Let us know what you come up with and don’t be afraid to try them all on the same awesome band name.

Example: Maggik Krystal Horsse Ballls 😉

Have fun! 


Read interview with real indie bands here!

All New Henry & Glenn Comics and Stories #1

All New Henry & Glenn

All New Henry & Glenn Comics and Stories by Tom Neely [Microcosm Publishing]

The Henry and Glenn theme has evolved a bit since its creation by the Igloo Tornado Collective two decades ago. It’s still a very funny comic lampooning the hypermasculinity of two punk rock icons, but it also works outside of that context. It exists in its own universe and it’s a world that just happens to be populated with a satan-worshipping Hall & Oates. I mean, that’s obviously fiction, right? Those two definitely do NOT worship Satan together anymore, what with the lawsuit and all. And anyway, truth is always stranger than fiction.

Henry & Glenn comic

All New Henry & Glenn Comics

At any rate, this is the first H&G in ten years and it presents an all-new serialized story. The debut issue of the series is “Chapter 1: I Don’t Want to Be Buried.” Here Henry is plagued by nightmares of his deceased cat Lemmy. He interprets these nocturnal visions as a sign that it’s time to get a new feline companion. Glenn hips him to a pet-finding app (Pet Frindr) and soon Henry has a new cat in his life. He names his new hairless pal Iggy, natch.

Called away to shoot a movie in Las Vegas, Henry asks Glenn to watch Iggy in his absence. Iggy has other ideas and torments poor Glenn. Chaos ensues, but I’ll spare you the details of this story as well as its cliffhanger ending. You’ll have to jump back on the Henry & Glenn train and find out for yourself.

All New Henry Glenn excerpt

This issue also features a centerfold pinup “I Want Your Skulls” by Neely and a second B&W strip titled “True Tales of Henry and Glenn Forever.” In this autobiographical strip, Neely reveals his encounter with Samhain drummer London May. In a moment of what is perhaps serendipity, but more likely bad karma, Neely finds himself seated next to the goth rocker on a flight from Baltimore to L.A. As the conversation turns to their respective occupations, Neely reveals himself as the creator of Henry and Glenn series. London struggles to come to terms with it for the rest of the journey.

This issue looks great as always and is as fun and clever as its many predecessors. The back cover pinup by Justin Hall is a nice touch as well. —Chris Auman


Read the Reglar Wiglar interview with artist Tom Neely.

Read more Henry & Glenn Comics reviews.

Buy All New Henry & Glenn Comics & Stories from the RoosterCow Store.

MoonBanana by Adam Kane

MoonBanana Adam Kane.

MoonBanana #2: Drawings from Over There Adam Kane [self-published]

MoonBanana is an 8.5 x 11-inch book that collects black and white drawings and comics created by Boston-based cartoonist Adam Kane. Issue number two continues with the MoonBanana title although the “MoonBanana” strip makes only a few appearances.

Adam Kane drawing

Drawings from Over There

MoonBanana #2, the “collected comics, scribblings, and squigglings,” as Adam calls them, includes a strip about a songbird who gives a warning of impending apocalyptic doom. Humans admire its tune, unaware of the meaning behind it.

The Great Nardini appears in several features including one where his greatness “delivers” a child made of hairball and soap. This gnarly offspring hitchhikes his way to Montana and then gets a job as a dishwasher in a saloon. He falls in love with a waitress and, well, it only gets more bizarre from there.

Other strips include “Insomi-Anne,” “The Details of a Sunset” and “One Wistful Summer with Mr. Pudd”. The latter tells the tale of teenage driving lessons with the wise Mr. Pudd. Mr. Pudd is not very wise at all it turns out. In fact, he cares more about TV show Shark Watchers than he does about driving instruction. Nevertheless, he has the narrator’s utmost respect.

And of course, there are the “MoonBanana” strips. In these, the protagonist, along with his disinterested dog Bixby, obsesses over the banana-shaped moon, as one does.

Adam Kane comic strip
Excerpt from MoonBanana #2 by Adam Kane.

Some of the strips in this issue appeared in the comics fanzine Spread Love as well as the comics anthology newspaper Scarfff. Adam created these strips in 2022 and 2023.

Adam intends to publish a MoonBanana issue annually, even though the namesake strip may not continue. No sense in giving up a great name, even if the scope of the project changes.

Buy MoonBanana #2 by Adam Kane from the RoosterCow Store.

Follow Adam Kane on Instagram. After that, read more reviews of comics & graphic novels.