Radar Eyes Band Interview

Radar Eyes band photo

Radar Eyes band interview. Published February 8, 2011

Can your eyeballs see radio waves? Not ordinarily, but all that changes when you don a pair of Radar Eyes. Which is exactly what we did. — Chris Auman

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REGLAR WIGLAR: Anthony and Nathan, can I get your two versions of how Radar Eyes got started, or actually how the previous incarnation, Night of the Hunter which transformed in Radar Eyes, got started. Let’s see if they’re the same or if we have a Motley Crüe type of situation here.

ANTHONY: Night of the Hunter was in the midst of a troubled recording that lasted about a year (but is really great and I will finish it one day) and Nathan and I were talking about writing more poppy songs that weren’t as aggressive as NOTH.

We had a couple months where NOTH did not practice so Nathan and I started playing the poppier songs together with various other drummers and musician friends. We decided to continue our regular practice times on Sunday even though the singer could not be there and we brought the new tunes to Shelley who was really excited about them.

I was booking a club called Cobra Lounge and I needed to fill an opening slot on a show, so the three of us decided to give these new songs a try live. We decided not to play any more NOTH shows until the recording was finished, it never did get finished so Radar Eyes kinda just continued on.

RW: Where do Radar Eyes practice and what happens at a typical Radar Eyes band practice?

ANTHONY: Radar Eyes practices at Superior Street Studios at California and Superior. Lately, we start with a warm up song or two and then work on new songs we have been writing for our HoZac LP.

NATHAN: I like this question. Thanks for your response Anthony. People don’t know that Anthony and I used to work out at the same gym before we even knew each other.

RW: What is the best part of being in the rock band Radar Eyes?

ANTHONY: Creating good music with friends.

NATHAN: I also like the attention that I get from my wife. If I was not in a band I don’t think she would sleep with me. I would get a Daily Dose of Doghouse (DDD).

RW: What is the worst part of being in the rock band Radar Eyes?

ANTHONY: Probably dealing with me. I can be difficult.

NATHAN: Oh go on Anthony! He is just saying that because he knows it’s not true.

RW: What’s your best and/or worst story from the road or live show-type event?

NATHAN: Jimmy Page was playing at the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH and there was an after-party that we were invited to play. I called everyone and made arrangements to travel over there. It was a private showcase of sorts for Jimmy Page and his son. We drove five hours to Cleveland in the dog days of summer and got set up in our hotel room. Shelley got her own room. In the morning, I woke up before everyone and penned them all inside of their rooms and stole their cell phone batteries. I took the van and drove home, leaving them in Cleveland.

As the rest of the band soon found out, Jimmy page wasn’t even playing the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame and the only reason I wanted to go to Cleveland was because I heard my biological father was collecting Social Security there. I lied to everyone so they would accompany me for moral support. When I found out he wasn’t there, I panicked. They were pretty mad, and Lucas even punched me in the face a few times, but they forgave me.

RW: Where’s the best place to play in Chicago?

ANTHONY: I really love the Empty Bottle… good sound, good people.

NATHAN: I agree.

RW: If Radar Eyes could control the future with their radar eyes, what would that future hold for Radar Eyes?

Radar Eyes record cover

ANTHONY: Nathan says we need to finally “make it” in 2011 to justify all this hard work and shameless self-promotion.

NATHAN: I would like to be a musical guest on SNL. Seriously, I don’t see why we can’t be successful, Anthony. I mean, what are we in this thing for anyways? If you are not ready to get serious in this relationship we will have to sit down and have a long talk about our future together.

RW: They’re making a Hollywood blockbuster biopic on Radar Eyes, who plays who?

Shelly: Maggie Gyllenhaal.

Nathan: Micheal Cera.

Anthony: Paul Rudd.

Lucas: Tobey Maguire.

RW: What are some other good bands from Chicago or anywhere that Reglar Wiglar Readers should have on their radar eyes focused on?

ANTHONY: Chicago: Outer Minds, Heavy Times, Unmanned Ship, Tyler John Tyler. A bunch of bands from San Fran/Oakland: White Fence, Soft Moon, Wax Idols. Total Control from Australia.

NATHAN: Chicago: Dumpster Babies, Loose Dudes. Nationally: Mungo Jerry, Woven Bones, White Snake, Reading Rainbow. Internationally: Snuggle Town Pipers, Tickle Town Allstars, 7:30 & The Stummies.

RW: What’s next for the rock band Radar Eyes?

ANTHONY: SxSW, EP on Rococo Records, LP on HoZac.


RW: CDs or Cassettes?

ANTHONY: Cassettes.

RW: Cassettes or Vinyl?


RW: Quenchers or Mutiny?

ANTHONY: Quenchers, they pay you.

NATHAN: The Mutiny? I have never been there but I hear it is a dive-bar-themed venue with the safety and accommodations of having other people who look like you to drink with.

RW: January or February?


RW: Pitt or Depp?


NATHAN: Depp for days.

RW: All correct answers. Thank you Chicago rock band, Radar Eyes.

Thank you for reading this Radar Eyes band interview. Read more interviews here.