Coupleskate Band Interview

Coupleskate band photo

Coupleskate band interview. Published April 18, 2010

Yes, readers, we have a brand new feature for the old Reglar Wiglar. This will be a monthly treat, where you can find out about new, interesting, up-and-coming bands! We’re kicking it off with one of our favorites, Coupleskate. Congratulations, Coupleskate, for being selected for the Reglar Wiglar Reglar Band Spotlight, and thanks for paving the way! Take notice Reglarites!

Coupleskate is notable for not being an all-boy band. Besides that, they make dreamy, heartbreaking, pretty/dirty rock music. Also, they’re from Chicago.

Coupleskate released their first full-length, Don’t Scare the Horses, in 2008. It was so good that it caused domestic disputes across the nation. You should order it off their website, or listen to it on one of their social medias. — Carol Bales, Star Reporter

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Q: What is the best part of being in Coupleskate?

A: Our democratic style of writing music: It keep us evolving creatively.

Q: What is the worst part of being in Coupleskate?

A: That we all have day jobs. We’d love to have more time to do what we love.

Q: What happens at a typical Coupleskate band practice?

A: Gossip, gossip, play, gossip, play, and gossip. Also: clothing swaps, champagne toasts, and inside jokes.

Q: What happens at a typical Coupleskate show?

A: Consultations about what we’re wearing; occasionally having a nice sit-down dinner after sound check; thereafter signing autographs on guys’ chests and whatnot.

Q: What’s your best and/or worst story from the road?

A: Best story: Playing last year’s Levi’s/Fader Fort at South By Southwest, opening for a bunch of awesome bands complete with rock star treatment.

Worst story: The morning after our Levi’s/Fader Fort show, when the trunk of our van opened while cruisin’, and half our gear fell out on the highway. Oops.

Q: If you had to pitch the Coupleskate biopic to a big-time movie producer in one sentence, what would that sentence be? Sell it to me!

A: The Runaways meets Heathers—if each of the Heathers played a different instrument.

Q: What can Coupleskate do that other bands can’t do?

A: Synched menstrual cycles.

Coupleskate Don't Scare the Horses album cover

Q: What is Coupleskate’s single, greatest accomplishment?

A: Don’t Scare the Horses

Q: What is Coupleskate’s most humbling moment?

A: Paying for and doing everything ourselves, with no label support.

Q: If you could control the future, what would that future hold for Coupleskate?

A: Coupleskate roadies to carry our gear! Cute ones.

Thank you for reading this Coupleskate Band Interview. Read more reviews here!