Whippets band

10 Quick Questions for Whippets

Whippets band
Photo by dmnx.photo

Whippets are intelligent super fast sighthounds. Whippets are recreational nitrous oxide containers. Whippets is a grungegaze band from Madison, Wisconsin featuring Bobby Hussy, Tyler Spatz, and Hart Miller. Their latest release is the song “C-Thru” from a split seven-inch single with Cincinnati band Vacation. Catch them live at Linneman’s in Milwaukee, WI on January 18th!

1. Why did you name your band Whippets?

Tyler: We had a long list of around 50 potential names, this one stuck out as being short and memorable.  We love dogs and who doesn’t love a double entendre?

Bobby: Who doesn’t love a whippet?

2. What’s your favorite part of being a Whippet?

T: The creative freedom we maintain as a group. I love being in a band that doesn’t feel pinned down to one specific sound. In particular, this group has a lot of common threads but we all came up playing a slightly different niche in the genre. It lends itself to a fun and unique creative process and result.

B: Fun to be in a three-piece. It leaves a lot of room for each member to add their own thing.

3. From what ashes did the Whippets arise?

T: We started writing songs for Whippets right around when the pandemic hit. The Wristwatch record was written a little later but ended up being released first. We’ve had six drummers before Hart joined the fold. 

B: Prior to this Tyler and I played in The Hussy and Cave Curse together. The Hussy split up during the pandemic. Cave Curse went back to just being a bedroom project instead of a full-blown band.

Whippets live
Photo credit: dmnx.photo

4. What does each Whippet bring to the table?

T: Bobby and Hart are both great songwriters, which can be rare to have more than one in a band. Bobby and I have been playing together for six years now and there’s definitely some writing chemistry that we’ve learned to play off each other melodically in a unique way as a three-piece.

Hart is a really driving and heavy-hitting drummer but still understands groove at the same time. He has a great breadth of styles that he’s able to shift between while still keeping the energy we strive for as a band.

B: Tyler is the best bass player I know and writes great riffs. 

5. What has your recorded output been so far?
Whippets LP (No Coast) 2024

“Vacation” b/w “Whippets” Split 7” (Nomad Eel) 2024

Whippets 7” (Goodbye Boozy) 2022

6. What was your biggest achievement in 2024 and what is your biggest goal for 2025?

T: Releasing our first LP, a couple successful tours, opening for Jack White! Releasing LP 2 and a tour! We’ve got around 20 songs to whittle down to a record.

B: What Tyler said.

Whippets band Madison
Photo by dmnx.photo

7. How often do the Whippets tour and what has the reception been like? Do you already have a built-in following on the road due to the other bands you guys have been involved with?

T: We’ve been out once or twice a year since we started, usually 10-15 days. Depends on the city but it feels like we’re building something again, the response has been good!

B: We’ve done alright on tour. There’s always room for improvement 😀

8. What do you like most about Madison?

T: My friends, Mickey’s Tavern.

B: The Lakes.

9. What irks you about Madison?

B: It’s small.

10. What is your favorite thing to fetch?

T: Weed.

B: Weed.

Read more Reglar Wiglar Interviews!

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