The Reglar Wiglar recently asked Denver-based multi-media artist Charly Fasano ten questions about who he is and what he does. Here are his answers.
10 Questions with Artist Charly Fasano
1. Who are you?
My name is Charly Fasano.
2. What do you do?
I am a multimedia artist with a main focus on drawing/illustration, short films, and poetry. Oh, and I really have fallen in love with block printing.
3. Where do you live and why do you live there?
I live in Denver, Colorado. It is where I’ve called home off and on since the 1990s. I like it because the city has pretty interesting music and art scenes that are linked through constant collaboration. A lot of the visual artists and writers that I know and work with are also musicians. There are quite a few very humble creatives in Denver who are multiple threats. Denver also has a fairly transient art scene in that people are always moving in and out or even back again. Keeps it all fresh.
4. What do you like most about the place you are now?
Denver is pretty laid-back and surrounded by some of the most beautiful views on the planet. It has changed a lot in the last 10 years but it’s the same place with the same spirit. I’ll be here forever.
5. What do you miss most about the place you left behind?
I leave places behind every time I take a step and breathe. I’m strolling in the present. I like it here. That is life and letting go. More folks should join me.
As for a location, I lived in Ithaca, New York for a spell. Can’t say I miss it. People are awesome. Funny mix of old hippies, new hippies, and an Ivy League smugness that seemed ridiculous most of the time. Colorado is more my speed.

6. What is Walk Off Hot and why is it called that?
Walk Off Hot is a zine where I publish my art and writing projects. I co-founded it with my twin brother and painter Vincent Cheap during the COVID times. We are a lifetime team! It is a space where I can constantly share my work. It is a living portfolio of all my ideas as I get them out of my brain. It is also a space where I’ve begun collaborating with other artists. Walk Off Hot is a fluid concept where issues may vary in format. Sometimes Walk Off Hot is a tangible printed magazine while at other times it is a series of films.
It is called Walk Off Hot because it has a good beat. It is a loose reference to a baseball player hitting a homer on his last at-bat of the season — walking off hot. Or even a runway model walking off a runway after electrifying onlookers. Or even after a heated argument that is not settled – you walk off hot. I could go on and on. Really, probably a stoned joke that stuck.
7. How many issues have there been and how many will there be before you’re done?
So far I have released eight print issues and one film issue that features films I created with Vincent Cheap. Folks can stream it at walkoffhot.com. I like to think that Walk Off Hot is something I will always make and share. I’ve always loved Indy publishing and zine culture. I’m never giving that up. Issue 50 here we come!

8. Do you choose the theme or subject for the zine or does it choose you?
The content ideas are pretty random. I usually will make a series of 15 or more drawings and then throw ’em in the zine. I have a bunch of ideas for team-ups in the near future with some pretty great artists.
9. Where can people find your work?
People can find my work at walkofffhot.com
Instagram @charlyfasanoart – @walkoffhot
Threads @charlyfasanoart
BlueSky @charlyfasanoart
10. What’s next for Charly Fasano in 2025?
I have some new issues of Walk Off Hot in the works as well as Walk Off Hot events at Mutiny Comics and Coffee in Englewood, CO that will feature short films, art, and live comic book readings by local cartoonists and musicians.
I am going to feverishly create art that provides a positive space to take a break. That’s my 2025.
Thanks, Charly!
Thank you for reading this interview with the artist Charly Fasano. Read more interviews on the Reglar Wiglar archive page.